Pastor brett
Senior Pastor
Pastor Brett is the primary preacher and teacher on Sunday mornings at Brook of Hope. He provides oversight to the various ministries of the church. Prior to serving as senior pastor, Brett was involved with the Adult & Teen Challenge organization, which has fueled the creation of Brook of Hope's Celebrate Recovery program. The Bastrop, Louisiana native has found himself firmly planted in the seacoast with both heart and vision to impact the local community of Seabrook.
Northpoint Bible College & Seminary
Former Staff at Adult & Teen Challenge
Our church believes the 16 fundamental truths of the Assembly of God (A/G). These are nonnegotiable tenets of faith that all Assemblies of God churches adhere to. This list is derived from the official Statement of Fundamental Truths.
For the complete list and details explaining the 16 fundamental truths, please click the PDF or the website link below.
The 16 Fundamental Truths (PDF)
The 16 Fundamental Truths (Assembly of God)

our church's story
150 High St. Hampton, NH
Our church was originally founded in 1971. Its creation was set in motion when several church members at Bethel church (known now as Connect Community Church in Portsmouth) longed to have a church home closer to the Hampton border. At first, the members moved into the North Hampton Town Hall as a temporary meeting location. By 1973, they had signed the paperwork and officially relocated into their new church site as "Maranatha Church". The building which had been a funeral home prior, was located on 150 High Street in Hampton, NH. Maranatha was led by Pastor Gene Lindley and his family.

Since then, the church has continued to grow and evolve throughout the years. Maranatha Church was later renamed "Healing Rain Ministries". It kept its name until October 16th of 2022 when the church community celebrated the official launching of "Brook of Hope". It is now lead by Pastor Brett Clausing at 49 New Zealand Rd in Seabrook. As the Lord placed on the heart of Pastor Brett a fresh vision for Seabrook and the surrounding area, He did so with the message of hope at the forefront. Being a place where the hope of Jesus flows continually is our goal knowing Jesus is our Living Hope, and we are to be His hands and feet as the Brook of that Living Hope.